Are you wondering about services that a Greenville TX roofer can offer? Will come you don’t have to wonder any longer. Roofing & Siding Smiths have been around since 2006 constantly bringing services and solutions to our customers. We are a multifaceted service company able to perform roofing, siding, window replacement, as well as guttering. We offer all of the services and more for our customers.

As mentioned, our services include roofing, siding, guttering, as well as window replacement. We started off as only Siding Smiths, but I for a massive amount of requests from our customers wanting us to roofing as well, we started to do that too. Then we moved on to the other services that we know provide. Doesn’t matter if you are building a new house or simply wanting to update when you have, we can help you out with any of our services. Maybe you’re tired of your wood exterior, but you also want to put your house on the market soon? Well, many customers are interested in our vinyl siding because not only will they outlast almost any wood material, but they also come in multiple colors, so you don’t have to worry about ever painting. Maybe you’re an existing homeowner, but you want to update your roof? No problem at all. Even if you don’t want our high quality shingle roof, but you want a metal roof, we can take care of as well as your local Greenville TX roofer. And then, right below the roof, we can also update the guttering system.

Most gutter systems are in 10-foot sections. These 10-foot sections obviously have junctions, and these junctions improve the possibility of your gutters leaking as well as breaking where they connect. The gutter system we offer is a seamless guttering system that can span all four sides, or more, of your home. Our gutters are seamless which removes the possibility of leaks as well as weak spots in the gutters. We even offer leaf Garst protectors gutters from clogging up with leaves. Also, our downspouts are larger than the regulation ones that they are 3 x 4″, so they are less likely to clog and they will remove more water.

Another one of the services we offer is when the replacement. When is a very important to home, not only do they give viewpoints out of it, but they also allow light to come in. Replacing your windows has an effect not only on your electric bill but also your heating and air bill. Having more natural I commend your home reduces the need to turn on the lights in your house thus reducing your electricity bill. Also, good windows are thicker, and double pane, which increases insulation This insulation allows for less air to escape whether hot or cold.

So, as Greenville TX roofer, we not only offer roofing but many other services as well. Roofing & Siding Smiths are a multifaceted service company to service your exterior home needs. We offer all of the services for your convenience, so doesn’t matter which one you need, or how many, we can help. Call us today at 903-456-9956 or check out our gallery online at to see what we can do for you!

Do You Need Help Finding Greenville TX Roofer?

Are you wondering how affordable we might be is a Greenville TX roofer? Well, we are extremely affordable considering all the services, quality, and customer service that we bring. Roofing & Siding Smiths have been serving our customers in bringing solutions since 2006. We are a multifaceted service company offering roofing, siding, windows, as well as guttering.

As a Greenville TX roofer, our services are extremely affordable because of many reasons. Not only can we roof your house, but we can also install or upgrade guttering for it. This saves you the hassle of having reach out to another contractor as well as having to deal with separate expenses with each one. So, we are saving you time and money a being able to tackle both problems. Not to mention, our services such as window replacement can save you a lot of money. Having more windows, or simply bigger windows, let’s and a lot more natural light which reduces the need to turn on the lights in your home. This can reduce your electric bill by up to 40%. Not only do a good windows save your electric bill, but heating and air as well. Good windows are typically thicker and double pane which helps improves insulation to keep hot or cold air inside so your heater and or cooler is not working overtime.

Not only do our services and high-quality material save you money, but so does the quality of our work. The claimant have very high-quality work and we do. We show this every day which with each of our customers and we displayed online in our gallery. Here Roofing & Siding Smiths we believe in doing a job right the first time. This means that you should have no problems in our work should last for very long time, so you should not have to fix anything or do anything. However, if there is any problem with the work we’ve done, you also save you money because we will come to fix it for no charge.

So, the nature of our work means that we don’t always know how much a job is going to cost because it depends on the job itself. Cost for job depends on many things such as time, materials, and labor needed to complete the project. This is why we provide an estimate at the very beginning. However, unlike many general contractors we will not have a vague estimate or mysterious expenses at the end. The price we caught you at the very beginning is the price we stick with to the very end. We also see the time and money by not wasting your time. We take extra steps to be your job site early as well as answer any communication promptly.

If it wasn’t clear yet, it should be no that we are extremely affordable as a Greenville TX roofer. Not only can we roof your home, but we can also replace windows, gutters as well as siding. Considering all we offer with our services, the quality of our work, as well as our customer service. Although we don’t want to just take our word for, we want you to reach out to us today at 903-456-9956 or find us online at to see exactly what we can do for you!