Roofer Greenville Texas | We’ve Got a Smooth Operation
I want to talk about a few terms you need to know when installing vinyl siding, your roofer Greenville Texas the backer board is basically any flat material on the face of the house, kind of like your sheathing, uh, that’s applied in between the studs and the siding. Uh, basically it makes your surface for installing the siding as smooth as possible. So the smoother and the more straight in the morning even that your backer board is, or your sheathing is, the straighter and the smoother. And the more, even your vinyl siding is going to be. The butt lock is, uh, the bottom of the panel, which would be [inaudible] piece of vinyl siding. It is where the next row of siding will lock into the one below it. Again, it’s always at the bottom of the siding, opposite of the nailing flange, and that is your butt lock.
The channel, uh, would be the area of the trim or corner posts where siding or soffit panels are, uh, put in. Uh, they’re also referred to as the trim itself and aren’t, they’re usually named by the letters of the alphabet that they resemble. So you got J, channelF channel, uh, et cetera. Roofing and siding. Smith’s tries to always remember, uh, that we’re your roofer Greenville Texas. The course is a row of panels. It’s about a panel rad wide and it runs the length of the house. Um, basically. And uh, in the case of vertical siding, it runs from top to bottom. That’s your course, the drip cap or head flashing. Uh, it’s an accessory installed with vertical siding and it makes sure that water drifts away from panels and doesn’t, uh, get inside the panel and run back into the wall.
Your drip cap or head flashing is installed with vertical siding and it makes sure water drips away from the panels and doesn’t get inside of the wall. Also, your double channel is a satting accessory, uh, joins with two soffit panels. The face is basically the face of the panels. We want to make sure that we aren’t nailing inside the face, which creates another opening for water to get into. And it also can not look as and sometimes can crack a panel. Uh, facia is the, uh, trim that covers, uh, just below your roof line. It’s usually a one by six and a lot of times we will, uh, put in new fascia boards and sometimes customers want us to wrap the existing fascia boards with aluminum. Uh, to give it a nice finished look as your roofer Greenville Texas.
When you’re running aluminum, facia, you want to be very careful, uh, that your facial boards are not warped and they’re running straight because you have to now the facia the aluminum into the facia board. And if the facial board isn’t straight, then the aluminum is going to bow and it’s going to have ripples when you nail the aluminum to the fascia board with trim nails. And it is possible to float the aluminum fascia out by not nailing the nail all the way flush with the board, but still making sure that the aluminum is secured roofing and siding Smiths as your roofer Greenville Texas, we also use flashing, which is a basically a thin metal, uh, that’s positioned under behind J channel. Uh, the corner posts, the windows anywhere where we’re trying to keep water out of your home.
The furring strip is used to even a surface for prep, for prep, for installing vinyl siding to first surface basically means to apply these strips. When it comes to metal siding. Install a lap is basically where the two panels overlap. When lapping panels, you want to make sure if at all possible you can make the overlapping panel, uh, make it consistent based on where most of the eyes on the house are going to be. So if you have a driveway, you want the closest piece to where uh, someone would be looking down the wall to be overlapping the piece furthest. This keeps a sat lens nice and pretty and makes the overall quality of your setting much look much better. As roofing and siding Smith’s roofer Greenville Texas a miter is basically to make a diagonal cut bevels with a specific angle. Uh, sometimes miter cuts are made into an overlapping siding soffit panel surface to provide a neater appearance, and as your roofer Greenville Texas we love that.
Plum is a position or measurement that’s exactly vertical 90 degrees from the level surface. You can use a level to check and make sure that that is the case. A rake is the inclined, usually projecting edge of a sloping roof and the rake wall is in between the rake edge of uh, two levels of a roof. Um, so when you have a rake wall, you’re going to be cutting angles on both sides of the siding that you’re installing. So when you’re figuring for, uh, or when you’re estimating the job, you’re going to want to use the proper, uh, waste calculation when you’re figuring your wall surface because there is going to be a lot of wasted material when you’re cutting off both sides scoring. Um, you can use a utility and I have to score a piece of siding if usually if I only want to cut one piece and I don’t want to walk over to the saw to cut it, I can score it with my knife using a, uh, a square and score it several times. And then I can break the piece of siding and it’ll make a nice, clean break.
Sealant. Uh, basically anything we use to caulk wood, metal masonry rattle. Um, there are different sealants, uh, for different, uh, surfaces. A shim is a building material used to even the surface prior to installing the siding. That’s pretty self explanatory. And as you’re referred Greenville, Texas, we always want to use some type of underlayment, uh, to make sure that the wall is watertight. And that’s that last layer of defense that you hope a water doesn’t get behind the siding. But if it does, we have, uh, allowed for, um, a contingency in there for the water to go ahead and Mitt and still stay off of, uh, your framing and your sheathing. And this is roofing and siding Smiths, your roofer Greenville Texas.